About Me 👋

I'm Software Developer with a lot of life in the field, I can say almost all of it. Living with my wife Carolina, and our two sons Noah and Manu. We live in La Plata city in Argentina but, we had lived abroad in México. During the summer we are in love with Uruguay where we try to stay as much as possible. I've studied in the University of Buenos Aires and during that time I started working as Software Developer for multiple companies. I work as freelancer for different projects from important clients.
Started working as a support guy long time ago with databases from big products, doing reports of any kind, one can call them business analytics but, what it really was a data engineering tasks: merging data from one product with data from another big product. Afterward, bit by bit I kept pushing to have an opportunity on development industry formaly, something that it wasn't too common specially in Buenos Aires and without a degree.
Now, looking backward I see that I passed through a lot of technologies. And, what's really define me is what I do and enjoy. I love working in the front-end, back-end, data engineering, almost everything it has to do with operating systems specially BSD, server administration, and lately what it calls my attention is the tractions there are around AI, machine learning, neural networks, deep learning, and data science.

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List of my favourite books

I mention a few ones of them I had read them once others still give them a look. I check a lot of good stuff in the web in blogs. Starting with my technicals books:

  • C - K&R
  • Algorithms in C - Robert Sedgweick
  • Análisis Matemático - Rey Pastor
  • Probability and Statistic Applications - Meyer
  • Physics Vol. 1 - Alonso Finn
  • Bayesian Methods for Hackers - Davidson - Pilon
  • Secrets of the Javascript Ninja - J Resig
  • Functional Programming in Javascript Ninja - Luis Atencio
  • The Complete Redux Book - Boris Dinkevich - Ilya Gelman
  • Redux In Action - Marc Garreau - Will Faurot
  • The Road to Learn React - Robin Wieruch
  • NodeJS Design Patterns - Mario Casciaro
  • Working Effectively with Legacy Code - Michael Feathers
  • C# in Depth - Jon Skeet
  • Effective Java - Joshua Bloch
  • SSH Mastery - Michael W. Lucas
  • BSD Hacks- Dru Lavigne
  • BSD Unix Tools- Christopher Negus
  • Learn Vimscript the Hard Way - Steve Losh
  • The New CSS Layout - Rachel Andrew